Yor Pest Control

Pest Control Wasp

Wasps can cause significant distress and alarm. Yor-Pest Control provides the following professional wasps control services York:


Photograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Photograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

How Do You Control Wasps?

For most of the summer, wasps .undertake a useful role in nature as pest controllers eating small insects, including caterpillars and aphids, which could become pests of plants and generally cause little concern. As the summer progresses and nest size increases, the risk associated with these insects grows.

When Do Wasps Need Pest Control?

For most of the summer, wasps undertake a useful role in nature as pest controllers eating small insects including caterpillars and aphids which could become pests of plants, and generally cause little concern. As the summer progresses and nest size increases the risk associated with these insects grow.

Are Wasp Nests And Stings Dangerous?

Some people can have an allergic reaction to a wasp sting (anaphylaxis) which can, in rare cases, cause death. Wasps are the most common venomous insects in the UK. It is estimated that around 3–5 people die yearly from wasp stings, making it the first choice for pest control services for many companies and homeowners.

Wasp Presence Can Cause Fear And Distress

As the summer progresses and the wasp nest reaches its full size, towards the latter end of summer, the queen wasp stops producing larvae (grub). The worker wasps, which have been collecting small insects to feed the larvae in return for a sugary reward, now do not need to collect insects and receive no sugary reward. The workers now switch from hunting small insects to craving sugar! In nature, they find fallen fruits and meat from which to feed, but more often, they find our outdoor picnics and drinks. It is this time of the year when the wasps become the most troublesome.

Wasp Traps

We can supply, install and service professional wasp traps as part of our pest wasps control services in York. These are particularly beneficial in reducing wasp complaints from customers using outside dining areas, especially in late summer and can help ensure business owners meet their statutory health and safety requirements; if you are a business owner and would like a free survey to see how proactive wasp management would benefit your business to get in touch today to schedule a visit from one of our professionals.

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